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Celebrating Co-Workers in God’s Service!

As the Lord has assigned to each his task. I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow.

For we are co-workers in God’s service.”

— 1 Corinthians 3:5-7,9


Around 1950, Erskine Scates, along with his good friend Earl Heald, began searching for a location to establish a property that could serve as a Bible camp and church retreat. By 1952, they had found the ideal property, and the first family camp was held at Camp Christian.


Fast forward to 1957: Wesley Paddock, a recent high school graduate with a full scholarship to the Colorado School of Mines, decided to attend the Adult Camp held over the Fourth of July weekend at Camp Christian. Four powerful speakers—Erskine Scates, president of Intermountain Bible College; Earl Heald, dean of Intermountain Bible College; Leah Moshier, a missionary from Kulpahar Children’s Home in India; and Seth Wilson, dean of Ozark Bible College—shared life-changing messages. The Holy Spirit moved in Wesley’s heart, prompting him to turn down his scholarship and attend IBC instead. After graduating from IBC and completing graduate school, Wesley returned to teach at IBC.


In 1971, Bob and Jacque Harper, who were attending Heights Christian Church under the leadership of Erskine Scates Jr., came to faith through a powerful work of the Holy Spirit. Feeling called into full-time ministry, they enrolled at IBC in 1973, where Wesley Paddock was teaching. Wesley developed a two-year curriculum for them, incorporating Bible classes and guest speakers from various cross-cultural missions to provide hands-on, face-to-face experiences. This training would later be used by Bob and Jacque in ministry work in Texas, Mexico, New Mexico, Turkey, and Papua New Guinea.


By 2018, Camp Christian was facing the possibility of canceling its camps due to the inability to fill the position of Camp Manager. Bob and Jacque, hearing of the need, prayed about it and felt led to accept the position. They have been faithfully serving at the camp ever since.


I love how these stories intertwine—God has truly used the work of so many people to grow His Kingdom. It’s a privilege to witness how Camp Christian has been used by God in such powerful ways. Please pray about how God may be calling you to support the ministry of Camp Christian. Consider making a donation this year, especially around Giving Tuesday, as year-end contributions are crucial for planning upcoming camp programs and maintaining the camp facilities for the season ahead.

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Camp Address:

2915 Co Rd 241

New Castle, CO 81647


P.O. Box 932

Clifton, CO 81520


Tel: 970-984-2211 (May-October)

Director: 970-250-6588

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